Relocating to a new house may require you to downsize. This also involves getting rid of larger items you have been holding onto. What if you own things you would like to keep, but do not have a storage facility? A great solution is to utilize a storage facility. If the items are large, then moving them into a storage facility can be difficult. It is okay to wonder if a moving company can store your items.
Some companies strictly provide moving services. They are not armed with the right tools to store your items. Other companies are equipped with storage facilities. You can ask them to keep your items as you carry the rest to your new abode. In that case, you will incur extra costs associated with storage.

The cost of storage will be high if the facility is not close to your new home. It also involves additional parties to deal with. This exposes you to more risks associated with the damage or loss of your household items. The duration that a moving company will store your stuff is dependent on its storage policy.
Most moving companies offer temporary storage for your belongings. This can be for 120 days. After the 120 days, your possessions will be moved to permanent storage. This is an excellent option if you are not in a position to move directly into your home for any reason.
In the past, most movers would charge customers per hour to keep their items in a storage facility overnight. Today, movers charge customers per day to store their items in a storage facility. You should avoid hiring a mover that will offload your possessions into storage overnight.
The Storage Process
- The moving company dispatches an appropriate size of truck to your residence on an agreed date
- All moving trucks should be equipped with moving blankets and other equipment
- The management tags every household item with a labeled sticker. Every article is keyed into an inventory form.
- A copy of the document is sent to you on the same day.
- A copy of the shipment inventory is also sent to you.
- Movers wrap your items with moving materials such as blankets.
- The truck moves your goods to a warehouse. They are offloaded and then re-loaded into the storage space. Every space has a vault.
- All items remain wrapped in storage.
- Your items will be moved to the new residence when you are ready to have them.
Storage Rates
Planning a move can be a daunting task. Between actual estimates and hidden costs, you may find yourself confused. You may end up spending more than you intended to. Just what are the standard moving and storage rates of a company?
Storage rates run between $120 and $250 per month. This depends on the container size. Some moving companies include 30 days of storage with the cost of moving. Because that occurs once in a while, you should be clear when getting a quote.

Final Thoughts
When you establish your storage needs during the transition, you should decide on the storage facility. Established moving companies offer affordable storage options.